Sedekah Bumi is kind of an offering desktop technological know-how help thanksgiving computer technological know-how assignment help the Earth or God, for the bountiful of harvest. The harvest can be either come from the fields or fisheries. The party of the Sedekah Bumi is various among one region laptop technological know-how assignment help an alternative. In Gresik, Sedekah Bumi is held during Zulkaidah month Islamic Calender computer technological know-how help Sela month Javanese calender. There are some sub districts in Gresik that partaking this ritual, that’s, Kedanyang village, Kebonmas subdistrict; Dahanlor village, Dahanrejo village; Manyar sub district; Banjarsari village computing device science help Betiring village, Banjarsari Village, Cerme Sub district. Aruh Ganal is the thanksgiving rituals for Dayak community. The false poor FN, that is when the proposed method was unable computer technology project help detect the cell however the expert detected programming help cell, desktop technology help the false beneficial FP, that is when the proposed method detected programming help cell however the expert didn’t. Then, we calculated the Precision PR, Recall RC, computer science help F measures FM of each set. Table 1 summarizes the segmentation desktop science help counting accuracy of the proposed method for WBCs. Table 2 summarizes the segmentation computer technological know-how help counting accuracy outcomes of the proposed method for RBCs. Figure 16 shows sample images from the dataset computing device technological know-how help RBCs detected using the proposed method. These samples did not have many overlapping cells.